Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Usually when holidays come about, I have all these crazy ideas of what I am going to do, but this time I didnt even bother with my unrealistic plans and surprisingly, i got more done than i thought. 

I finally got some shelving in my room, so no more clutter and mess, well not too much anyway. I havent made my bed once these holidays... but its okay since the only people to go in there is myself and my dog jak. 

I went down to visit Nonna and Nonno in Dromana and took Hannah along with me. It was so windy and I went down to Frankston track to do a session and no joke, I nearly was blown over. I couldnt even be bothered timing my reps because they were just ridiculously slow however it was a very fun session. 

Training has been really good these holidays too (i havent even got injured yet which in my case, is very lucky) Besides a few asmtha problems, all the sessions have been great. I have loved training with my squad too, its like we are on camp again because we are seeing each other most mornings or afternoons. 

I went into KPS with mum a few times and got most of my homework done too, now I only have english and health to go. It will be a struggle to get it all finished though because I am so distracted with watching world youth on the live streams at night!

Love from Stephanie 

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